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ACCESS is a non-profit, tax exempt consumer advocacy group.

Donations are tax deductable.

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Board Members

All of our Board Members believe Proverbs 22:7 "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is a slave to the lender." Credit problems affects everyone from every walk of life.

Consumer debt is currently at 110% of gross income. By June 2003, consumer bankruptcies soared to a record 1.61 million - a 30% increase over the prior year. In light of these facts, we feel that a tremendous need exists for educating consumers on the wise use of credit to help free them from "credit slavery".

Our board and our organization's goal is to provide objective information on all areas surrounding credit and financial needs.

We work to assist the public in avoiding unscrupulous businesses that use and abuse individual's personal and financial information. We fight to expose businesses and government actions that put individuals information at risk

ACCESS' mission is to deliver persistent, result-oriented activism that protects the consumer, encourages fair and open business dealings and fosters responsive, democratic government.

As a national consumer advocacy group, we are currently seeking recognized community leaders that are interested in serving a three-year term on our Board.

Our goal is to have a diverse board representing various segments of the general public. If you are interested please complete this form and we will provide you with more information.

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