January 12, 2018 - The FBI has issued a warning to consumers that the latest email scams targeting individuals may contain death threats or threats of blackmail. The threats are levied in an attempt extort the email recipients into making hefty payments in cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin.
The announcement states that the FBI believes the threats are nothing more than a scam, but the people behind the scam can be quite convincing. Many of the messages that have been shared with the agency so far contain personal information about the recipients as well as information on friends and family. The death threats aren't simply limited to the email recipient. In some cases, they specifically state that a family member will be killed if payment isn't made.
The announcement included the following: "The FBI takes the threatening nature of these e-mails very seriously. Our investigators are aware of this situation and ask anyone who may be receiving this type of e-mail to contact and report the matter to the FBI," said Michael DeLeon, special agent in charge of the FBI Phoenix Field Office. "Scammers try to take advantage of your emotions and trust, so take the time to educate yourself about any offer or threat you receive," said DeLeon."
Anyone receiving the type of message described here is asked to report it to the FBY by going to www.IC3.gov; the government's internet crime website.
byJim Malmberg
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