May 24, 2013 - There is a new scam spreading quickly across the United States and it is using the Affordable Care Act - commonly referred to as Obamacare - to entangle victims. The scam is similar to others that we've seen which involve the IRS, Social Security and Medicare. But it is the first one that we know of that actually uses the new healthcare law. Since most Americans are not very familiar with the new law yet, we suspect that people may be more susceptible to this particular scheme.
The version of the scam that is circulating involves a telephone call. But there is no reason to think that the scam won't migrate to email at some point.
Potential victims receive a call (could just as easily be an e-mail message) and are told that they are among the first people selected to receive a new insurance card as a result of the Affordable Care Act. To verify the identity of the person being called, they are asked to provide their full name, Social Security Number, and home address.
NOTE: Enrollment in heal care plans governed by the Affordable Care Act doesn't begin until October 1, 2013.
The Affordable Care Act gave authority for enforcement of the new law to the IRS. And the IRS already has your name, address and Social Security Number. Regardless of that, no US government agency will call you and ask you for any of this information. If you call into the IRS yourself, you will be asked to provide your Social Security Number to identify yourself, but that's another matter since you are the person who initiated the call.
Anyone receiving a call such as the one described here is advised to get off the phone immediately. Do not reveal any of your personal information to the person who called you.
byJim Malmberg
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