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Guard My Credit File offers news feeds. Our feeds are free to use for individuals with newsreaders and for websites, provided that we are given credit for the content.

If you don't know what RSS is, it stands for Really Simple Syndication. It is a way for websites to widely distribute their content.

We're in the process of puting a RSS tutorial together. Once it is done, we will publish it here.

  Web Link Hits
  Link   Main Guard My Credit File RSS Feed - Browser View
This link will allow you to view our primary news feed in a browser window.
  Link   Consumer Credit RSS Feed - Browser View
News and information about consumer credit, and the laws and legislation impacting it.
  Link   Identity Theft RSS Feed - Browser View
News and information on identity theft, how to avoid becoming a victim, and what to do if you have already been victimized.
  Link   Personal Privacy RSS Feed - Browser View
This link will allow you to view the articles currently contained in our Personal Privacy news feed.
  Link   Main Guard My Credit File RSS Feed - XML
To use this RSS feed, click on the link and copy the URL from the address bar into your news reader, onto your personal page, or into your website.

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  Link   Identity Theft RSS Feed - XML
News and information about identity theft, how to avoid becoming a victim, and what to do if you have already been victimized.

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  Link   Consumer Credit RSS Feed - XML
News and information on consumer credit, and the laws and legislation that impact it.

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  Link   Personal Privacy RSS Feed - XML
News and information on matters impacting personal privacy.

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