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Indiana's Attorney General Launches Identity Theft Prevention Toolkit PDF Print E-mail

December 22, 2011 - Indiana's State Attorney General, Greg Zoeller, has launched an online Identity Theft Prevention Toolkit. His effort is designed to help consumers prevent identity theft. In the event they become victims of this crime, the site gives consumers a central repository of information about the steps they can take to restore their credit and catch the crooks behind the crime. It is one of the best government sites that we've seen to assist consumers with the issues surrounding ID theft, and you don't have to be a resident of the state to register.


The toolkit website does require registration but it doesn't require you to live in Indiana. Once you register for the site, you'll find a consumer friendly interface and easy navigation. Frankly, it's not your typical government run website.

Once you sign into the site, you are taken to a dashboard that provides a variety of useful tools. These include cheat sheets to organize your financial information for those who have not yet become victims, to information on implementing a credit freeze and law enforcement contacts for those who have been victimized.

Obviously, some of the information is specifically for residents of Indiana. But most of the information provided will be useful to virtually everyone.

ACCESS applauds this effort. Most government sites that deal with Identity theft seem to be poorly organized and the information on them can be difficult to find. In many cases, information is spread across multiple websites, can be difficult to understand because it is written in legalese, and can be spread across a wide range of state and federal agencies. Indiana is the first state that we've seen that attempts to overcome these issues and, from what we can see, they have done a pretty good job here. 

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