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11232130 Visitors
Federal Issues
Date Item Title Hits
2013 Sorting Out the Fiscal Cliff Deal 1497
2012 Pocketbook Issues - The Fiscal Cliff and How Its Job Losses Will Impact You 1627
2012 Pocketbook Issues - The Home Interest Mortgage Deduction And What Its Elimination Would Mean To You 1505
2012 Feds Ask Court to Dismiss Suit Challenging Constitutionality of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 1415
2012 Pocketbook Issues - The Fiscal Cliff Q & A 1781
2012 The Fiscal Cliff and Your Personal Finances - How it Impacts You 2128
2012 Some Very Bad Credit Legislation is Floating Around Washington DC 1689
2012 Could the CFPB be Undone? 1389
2012 Three States Join Suit Challenging Dodd-Frank Financial Reform 1792
2012 Bernanke Goes All In To Increase Inflation 1321
2012 Facial Recognition Software Bringing About Privacy Concerns 1277
2012 Lawsuit Claims CFPB Unconstitutional 1616
2012 CFPB Proposes New Rule to Regulate Non-Banking Financial Services Industry Companies 1695
2012 CFPB About to Issue New Mortgage Lending Rules 2493
2012 The New Link Between an Oil Pipeline, Personal Privacy and Your Ability to Travel Internationally 1305
2012 CFPB Targeting Binding Arbitration Clauses in Consumer Agreements 1595
2012 New Highway Bill Bad News for Consumer Privacy and Freedom to Travel 1563
2012 The New Government Plan to Save Homes Likely to Lead to More Bank Fees 1447
2011 Fannie Mae Seeking another Bail Out 1375
2011 New Healthcare Rule Virtually Insures Privacy Issues for all Americans 2087
2011 Fannie Mae Wants Billions More From Taxpayers 1439
2011 What the Debt Ceiling Debate Means to You 1428
2011 A Variety of New Reports Give Little Hope for a Quick Economic Recovery 1513
2011 Senate to Debate Postponement of Bank Swipe Fee Rule 1712
2011 National Data Breach Law Rears Its Ugly Head Again 1435
2011 The Personal Costs For Financial Protection from Congress Start to Add Up 1519
2011 Fannie Mae Asks Taxpayers For Another $8.5 Billion To Help Cover First Quarter 2011 Losses 1516
2011 Housing Bubble 2.0 Courtesy of Lenders and the FED 1820
2011 Feds Sue Deutsche Bank for Mortgage Fraud – May Pursue Other Banks Too 1387
2011 Inflation Gone Wild 1762
2011 Abe Lincoln's Financial Policies - Turning to History to End the Debt and Deficit 2796
2011 New FHA Short Refinance Program Nothing More Than Another Bank Bailout Combined With Welfare 1712
2011 House Investigation of Sweetheart Lending Deals by Mortgage Giant Countrywide Resumes 1643
2011 Debit Card Fee Cap May Get Pushed Back - We Told You So! 1680
2011 Congressional Battle Looms over Administration's Plans for Fannie and Freddie 1577
2011 FCIC Releases Report on Financial Crisis - Places Much Blame on Unenforced Regulations 2152
2011 Egypt and why it Matters to your Wallet - Ben Bernanke's Revolution 1637
2010 A New Year with Onerous New Tax Rules 1720
2010 More Banking Fees Likely Coming Your Way Courtesy of Congress and the FED 1466
2010 The New Sellout Data Breach Notification Bill Being Reviewed by Congress 1575
2010 What did the FED Get for your Tax Dollars? 1632
2010 New Banking and Health Care Laws Bound to Lead to Black Markets While Ending Financial Privacy 1628
2010 Government Numbers Show Increase in Number of Unemployed and a Drop in Unemployment Rate - Huh? 1668
2010 The Federal Deficit and How it Impacts You 1524
2010 Senate Votes to Ban Stated Income Loans 1861
2010 Retirement Fund Fox Gaurding the Hen House 1610
2010 The Government Unemployment Number Lie 1543
2010 Banks Should Be For Banking 1905
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