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Item Title Hits
San Francisco Becomes First City to Ban Facial Recognition for City Government 684
Seatback Cameras Giving Flying Public the Creeps 798
Amazon’s Alexa May Be Listening to Everything You Do 380
Doxing - What It Is and Why It Should Concern You 816
ACLU Gets Its Knickers in a Knot Over License Plate Tracking but for All the Wrong Reasons 917
Update Google Chrome NOW If You Don't Want to be Hacked 949
Facebook Now Allows Users To Find You Using Your Cell Phone Number 727
Company Admits It Shared DNA Data With FBI 1106
Ring Doorbell Surveillance Raising Privacy Concerns, But Should It? 2371
Why I won't Connect My Refrigerator to the Internet 1121
The Privacy Perils of Smart Phones 1095
Survey Shows Americans Want Law Enforcement Agencies to Use Facial Recognition for Public Safety 863
Federal Court Rules People Can't be Compelled to Unlock Their Phones with Biometric Data 834
Facial Recognition and Privacy - a Current State of Affairs 1324
Will Zeal for Privacy in California Lead to a National Online Privacy Law? 864
Have a Yahoo Email Address? Prepare to be Spammed! 868
Google Fighting Expansion of EU Right to be Forgotten Laws - Could Impact USA 1064
Is Congress Full of Crooks? Amazon's Rekognition Software Thinks So! 1147
Private DNA Database Use by Law Enforcement Should Trigger Privacy Debate 1035
Amazon Testing Facial Recognition Software with Law Enforcement 1248
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