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Your Rights

Your right to privacy began with the Bill of Rights, Amendment 4, which states "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Since that time in 1789, our right to privacy has been defined, refined, and stomped on by various laws and acts implemented by our Congress.

While our forefathers were concerned about judicial intervention into our homes and persons, today we fight technology intrusion as well. While the above amendment prevents our government from entering our homes without "probable cause", today's technology gives anyone the ability to gain your personal information without even walking though your door.

Here we will provide you information on your rights and helpful hints on how to further protect your financial privacy. For more information on how to protect your electronic privacy, see our section on Helpful Software.

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Item Title Hits
California Consumer Privacy Act is a Bit of a Joke 607
Why is the Post Office Covertly Monitoring Social Media Accounts of Americans? 1260
No Expectation of Privacy For Those Returning Rental Cars Late - 9th Circuit Ruling 1279
Are We Engineering Ourselves into Slavery with Artificial Intelligence? 1006
California Being Sued Over DNA Retention Policies 985
The Privacy Implications of Rapid DNA Use 1144
Major Privacy Ruling from the Supreme Court Bans Warrantless Cell Phone Searches 6471
FTC Calls for Greater Regulation of Data Brokers 2939
Calif AG Reports On Breaches; Calls For More Encryption 1957
DHS Says "Suspicionless Searches" of Laptops and Smart Phones OK at US Borders 2366
Is Your Smart Phone Spying On You? 1720
Is Your Smart Phone Spying On You? 265
Yet ANOTHER Report for Consumers to Worry About 4273
Everything You Need to Know About Opting-Out 15809
Add Cell Phones to Do-Not-Call List 3978
Privacy Statements Hard to Understand? Fight Back! 4075
Privacy, the Patriot Act and You 3557
"I WANT OUT"- How to Opt-Out of Most Lists Painlessly 15872
Safeguarding Your Social Security Number 4799
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