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Add Cell Phones to Do-Not-Call List PDF Print E-mail

Consumers who don’t want to receive telemarketing calls on their cell can their cell phone numbers to the government’s do-not-call list.

Numbers can be added to the list in one of two ways. First, consumers can register their numbers at http://www.donotcall.gov. Click on the link to register phone numbers. Up to three numbers can be registered at a single time.

Consumers will need to provide a valid e-mail address during the registration process. After registering their numbers, they will receive a separate confirmation e-mail message for each number registered. These messages contain a link that must be clicked on in order to complete the registration process. This process must be completed for each phone number. Failure to do so will mean that affected phone numbers are not included in the list.

Phone numbers can also be registered by calling 888-382-1222. This is the only way to register numbers for anyone without an active e-mail address.

Anyone not registering their cell phone numbers on the list may begin receiving telemarketing calls. Unlike regular home phones, cellular customers are billed for airtime on both outgoing and incoming calls, so failure to register could prove costly.

by Jim Malmberg

After Dec 15th

Written by cat101 on 2004-12-17 I understand that it could take as long as 90 days to get your number removed from all the lists.


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3.25 Copyright (C) 2007 Alain Georgette / Copyright (C) 2006 Frantisek Hliva. All rights reserved."

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